As a major tourist destination, high quality access provision is vital to the islands economy. The Trust aims to continue to play the leading role in meeting the expectation of visitors and residents – providing access for all abilities – whilst protecting the heritage and landscape of this beautiful island.
Over the years the Trust has been successful in attracting funding for path works, interpretation and signage to benefit visitors and residents. On Arran’s Northern Hills repair and upgrade of eroded hill paths has been undertaken whilst on low ground all user surfaced paths have been created. A major project was completed in 2017 to upgrade and complete the 56 mile Arran Coastal Way, which is now recognised by Nature Scot as one of Scotland’s Great Trails
Funding for individual projects has come from Heritage Lottery Fund, European Fund, Coastal Communities Fund, North Ayrshire Council, Forestry Commission Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage and Arran Trust (a visitor payback scheme) and has enabled the Trust to appoint contractors, project managers and employ a footpath team and Project Coordinator for the duration of the coast project.
Path improvements have also been made possible by the many, many hours of time, effort and hands on work of the volunteers of the Arran Access Trust and Arran Coastal Way. You can see examples of what has been done below.
Examples of path improvements
Please click on the photos to see the enlarged versions.
Arran Coastal Way
Please click on the photos to see the enlarged versions.
All-user Access
Some of the paths dotted around the Island are all abilities paths or are suitable for less able walkers. Many of these provide access to great view point with good spots for picnics, enjoy.
Photo: All-user access at Newton Shore, Lochranza